We are devoted to the teaching of biblical doctrine, meeting together in the unity of faith, to communion with the Lord and each other, and to fervent prayer based upon the word and will of God according to Acts 2:42
Mission Statement: Community of Hope exists to be a life-giving assembly of apostolic, missional believers that impact and influence the world.
As a New Testament Church, we will follow the biblical patterns of leadership found in Ephesians 4:7-13 as we focus on an apostolic missional approach to our region.
We will disciple believers with the intention of bringing to maturity to become ambassadors to our cities, region, and world.
We will equip, train, and commission people in their grace-gifting’s that are designed to develop believers in their purpose and function as the Body of Christ.
We will be upward in our spirituality as we seek God’s face with an inward display of the life-giving fellowship and community, and an outward display of apostolic, missional Christianity.
Please let us know if you have questions or if you would like to meet with us for any reason.
Pastor Michael
What We Believe:
We believe that the Holy Bible is God’s Word, without error in the original manuscripts, and our final authority in matters of faith and life. That there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That Jesus Christ is both fully God and fully human, who by His death on the cross has redeemed us. The Holy Spirit’s supernatural gifts are available and operative today for all Christians.
That human nature is sinful and is redeemed only through faith in Jesus Christ. That Christ alone provides salvation. This salvation is a free gift. (“grace” — Ephesians 2:8-9) We teach that one can be certain of eternal life. (“assurance” — John 5:24) We believe that we partake of this free gift of grace by faith alone and thereby enter a lifelong process of change and growth.
The Church
We believe that we are a part of one true Church made up of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord. Building the Kingdom together.
We are a people of prayer. God answers prayer and we encourage everyone to grow in prayer.
Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
Jesus instituted Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. God truly acts in these sacraments, and that our faith is essential for their effectiveness.
Changed Life
We believe that becoming a Christian leads to a changed life. We call this change “sanctification,” which is a lifelong process of growth in selfless love, humility, service, stewardship, and holiness under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Change and growth are not optional for those saved by grace. Because a good tree bears good fruit, people justified by grace through faith act on that faith and will change and grow in Christ.